Congrats. I understand your feelings - i am also just a little step before reaching my first 100 and find this so exciting. Its such a nice feeling to know that you are able to make people glad with your compositions.
You are an awesome artist and i really admire your composition- and jazz skills. Also your trumpet / Horn playing is just super-1337. Thanks for sharing your great stuff with us! One of the NG highlights of this year has been your piece "supercollide". Also your trumpet part in "A world of blue" by deadlyfishes was outstanding.
Keep up the great work! I hope you will get lots of new fans and supporters in 2014!
Congrats on your milestone! Truth be told, I had observed it some time back, but I was wondering what you were going to do on reaching 100 supporters.
And I feel your pain about Sibelius 1.4. I had Mario Paint Composer as my outlet. But if it works, it works. XD
Keep making many more worlds! x
Thanks Anne, straight to the heart this goes! <3
Truth be told, I actually very much enjoyed the barren interface of 1.4, I find the more modern iterations of Sibelius clunky and power-hogging. I only had to change because I had to actually print my arrangements for drum corps and other gigs, and 1.4 can only print parts in bitmap one page at a time... ;___________;
Anyways, thanks again, get on Skype sometime so we can catch-up!