Custom logo credits:
Musician, Composer
QC, Canada
Joined on 3/26/07
descara 2014-06-11 17:23:11
Damn this whole thing looks tight. Also, dat trombone.
Are all the horns live? I'm actually having a hard time telling. Sounds great, anyway.
camoshark 2014-06-11 17:23:11
The horns on my track are, although not all of them. Those from the Kirby track are, surprisingly, 100% VST, even though they sound realler than mine! I guess in the end, production truly IS an important factor!
Damn this whole thing looks tight. Also, dat trombone.
Are all the horns live? I'm actually having a hard time telling. Sounds great, anyway.
The horns on my track are, although not all of them.
Those from the Kirby track are, surprisingly, 100% VST, even though they sound realler than mine! I guess in the end, production truly IS an important factor!