Hi folks, just a quick announcement to let you guys know I'll once again be trying my luck in the NGADM (Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch), which will take place from July to November. Wish me luck!
Also, as the title indicates, I was offered a role last week to act in a movie straight out of Hollywood. I'm under NDA right now, so I can't say what it is, but it's part of a very popular ongoing saga that many of you guys surely know of coming next year. I've just finished shooting the first scene I'm part of, another of which will be shot in the middle of July. It was a really fun experience, and this actually just opened me a slew of opportunities for having my name in other Hollywood productions in the coming years!
For now that's pretty much all I can say without having them suing my ass, but I just wanted you guys to know!
Awesome that you're in Hollywood.
Hope you're getting some good pay for it. :P
You know it, brother! ;)